For quality control, the thicknesses of copper coatings on
pc-boards are measured repeatedly on random samples. Manufacturers
of pc-boards prefer user-friendly and handy instruments, because
these measurements are often carried out during the manufacturing
process directly at the electrolytic bath. However, thus far, two
different instruments were required for measuring the copper
thickness on the surface of the pc-board and in the boreholes.
Now users have a more user-friendly and cost-effective option by
using the portable instrument PHASCOPE?/sup> PMP10 of
Helmut Fischer GmbH + Co. KG in Sindelfingen, Germany. It operates
according to the phase-sensitive eddy current method. It allows for
the measurement of the coating thicknesses on the surface and in
boreholes with one single instrument.
The measurement probe ESD20Cu is used to measure copper coatings
with thicknesses of up to 270 祄 on the surface of pc-boards.
Because of the phase sensitive eddy current method, this is also
possible even through solder resist. Depending on the copper
thickness, a selection can be made between measurement frequencies
of 60 kHz or 240 kHz in order to optimize the measurement accuracy.
The measurement probe ESL080 is used to measure the copper coating
thickness in boreholes. A needle-shaped measuring element is
inserted into the borehole to be inspected. Eddy currents are
induced in the copper sheath. The strengths of the eddy currents,
measured and evaluated by the instrument, is a measure for the
copper thickness. Through the patented shape of the measurement
probe, these eddy currents flow in the longitudinal direction of
the sheath such that interim copper layers, e.g., in multi-layer
pc-boards, do not influence the measurement result.
Due to its numerous advantages, the phase-sensitive eddy-current
method will soon be standardized worldwide in ISO 21968. Users can
already obtain the handy coating thickness measuring instrument
PHASCOPE?/sup> PMP10 with its reproducible accuracy and
suitability for practical applications from Helmut Fischer GmbH +
Co. KG for mobile applications in quality control on pc-boards.